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Discover the secrets behind drying magic mushrooms & magic truffles.

Magic mushrooms and magic truffles offer many potential benefits when taken in a microdosing format.
Since magic mushrooms and magic truffle are natural products, they expire if left unused.
You can extend the lifespan of these items when you know how to preserve your buy or harvest.
Magic mushrooms can be up to 92% water. When you have magic truffle, their moisture content is between 5% to 15%. If you can complete the preservation process, your investment can last longer!

Steps to Follow When Drying Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffle


Both magic mushrooms and magic truffle lose some of their active substances during the harvesting process. When the products receive exposure to hot temperatures or excessive light, it hastens that result.
The issue with drying magic mushrooms and magic truffle involves oxidation. If you can keep them in a cool, dark, and dry place, they’ll last longer. how to grow magic truffle 
Magic truffle perform well in the refrigerator when kept in their original packaging.
When you don’t have the original packaging available, a vacuum-sealed bag is an excellent second choice. That option also works well for magic mushrooms.
Before starting the drying process. many magic mushroom varieties need “pre-drying” to preserve the psilocybin content.
The pre-drying process starts by laying each magic mushroom on a clean tray in front of a fan. After turning on the air, you must keep the environment at 30°C (86°F) to have the moisture leave the product within a few hours.
You’ll know that the pre-drying process is complete once the magic mushrooms take on a rubbery appearance and texture
It only takes a few days to complete the drying process for magic truffle and pre-dried magic mushrooms. Here are the general steps to follow.
  1. Take the magic mushrooms or magic truffle out of their original packaging.
magic truffles 
  1. Lay the product out on a sheet of clean newsprint or absorbent paper, leaving space between each piece so that there isn’t anything touching. This step facilitates the airflow through the magic mushrooms and magic truffle.
  1. Bigger magic truffle need to get broken into smaller pieces to help the drying process.
  1. Try running a box fan to prevent stale air from delaying the process if you don’t have one. 
  2. Place silica gel packets on the paper to absorb the moisture coming off the magic mushrooms and magic truffle.
  1. Allow this process to continue for 48 to 72 hours. If you have larger items to dry, it might take up to seven days to reach the next processing stage.
You’ll know that the magic truffle are dry because they become hard. You cannot break them by hand because they become like small stones.
Magic mushrooms are dry when they lose most of their flexibility and feel brittle to the touch.

Can I Dry Magic Truffle Out to Grind Them?

The issue with magic mushrooms and magic truffle is the taste. It would be a stretch to call it a delicacy, and most people don’t grow accustomed to the experience.
Chewing magic truffle is a fantastic way to release its psilocybin. If you don’t like how they taste, grinding them into a powder is the next best option.
You’ll need a high-quality grinder that can process the hard “stones” that magic truffle become after the drying process. Some people say that they feel the effects of psilocybin faster when microdosing with powder
The grinding process is the same as any other product, such as coffee beans or herbs.
  • Open the lid to the grinder.
  • Place your magic truffle inside.
  • Turn on the machine.
  • Continue processing the magic truffle until no large chunks remain.
  • Remove the powder from the container.
The benefits of using magic mushrooms and magic truffle as powder include less nausea, faster digestive processing, and less physical resistance to the psilocybin. how to dry magic truffle
You’ll notice that fresh magic truffle lose lots of weight during the drying process. Depending on the moisture content, the size reduction can be as high as 70%. 
When you calculate the dose from the dried product, wait until you have turned it into powder. You’ll get a more accurate result than weighing the magic truffle fresh or dry.

How to Get the Correct Microdose from Dried Magic Truffle

When people microdose magic mushrooms or magic truffle, they take a fraction of the regular product.
That amount is often 1/20th the dose that someone would take to achieve a full psychedelic experience.
When the magic mushrooms or magic truffle go through the drying process, your dosage ratios change. A total dose of psilocybin is approximately 0.2mg per two pounds of body weight.
If you weigh 150 pounds or 68 kilograms, that means your microdose would be 0.7 mg.
Some people need to take a 1/10th dose to achieve the creativity or focus they want from this process. That would create a microdose of 1.4 mg.
That means you’d need to create powder dosing based on that ratio.
When you turn magic mushrooms into powder, the drying process creates substantial inequities in the psilocybin distribution.
The concentration varies in different parts of the mushroom. You’d want to keep the tops and stems separate from each other. That means you grind each one to create more consistency.
Even then, the only way to measure the concentration of each microdose is through laboratory analysis
Magic truffle have much more consistency because they are the “root” of the mushroom. With fewer psilocybin concentration variations, you’ll see better long-term results. 

Can I Put Magic Truffle Powder into Capsules?

When you have a capsule machine to use at home, you can pre-make your microdoses with the powder to create a fast and effective way to tap into your creative energy
You’ll need a few additional supplies available to complete the encapsulation process for the powder from magic mushrooms and magic truffle.
  • Empty Capsules. The best products come from plant-based, non-GMO sources that dissolve and are easy to digest.
  • Shallow Dishes. A transparent baking dish is often the best option when using magic truffle powder. 
  • Glass Jars. A Mason jar works well for storing your capsules once created. Anything with an airtight seal is appropriate.
You want to work on creating the capsules within the shallow dish to prevent powder loss. The last thing you want is to lose some of your investment because it fell on the floor!
When you select a capsule machine, be sure to match the sizes. Some units only make one style. You’d need to buy capsules that work with that equipment.
Capsule sizes work in reverse of how you’d think they would be. If you choose a 000 product, you’ve got the largest one possible.
Most people can use a Size 5 capsule for microdosing magic mushrooms or magic truffle. If you prefer to encapsulate without grinding, a Size 4 or Size 3 might be more appropriate. 

How Do I Fill the Pill Capsules with My Microdose?

Filling capsules with magic mushroom or magic truffle powder can be a time-consuming process. The good news is that you make several of them at once with the right equipment, such as a capsule machine.
Each capsule machine has different instructions. Please refer to the product’s manual for specific guidelines.
These steps review the general processes you’ll follow when creating capsule-based microdoses for your health and wellness goals.
  1. Select a capsule machine based on the size you want to create.
  1. Place the machine’s base on its stand. It also comes with a top where you’ll load one-half of the capsules. 
  1. Load the longer bottom part of each capsule into the base. Unless directed otherwise, only place one unit in each opening.
  1. Pour the magic truffle powder over the holes in the machine’s base.
  1. Spread the filler into each bottom with a plastic card to even out the distribution. how to dry magic truffles
  1. If the equipment comes with a tamper, use it to compact the powder by pressing it downward.
  1. Repeat the filling process (optional). Load the capsule tops into the machine. The items should remain secure when flipped upside-down. 
  1. Line up the top and bottom of the capsule machine so that they match.
  1. Press down on the top until it stops compressing. At this stage, you’ve created your microdosing capsules. 
It helps to be careful when removing the top of the capsule machine. The finished product can still get pulled apart.
If you have capsules that get stuck, it helps to poke them from the equipment .
Once you’ve finished these steps, you’ll have a microdose that you can swallow like a multivitamin. It’s a fast and effective way to start your day. 

Tips to Follow When Using a Capsule Machine

Do you want to turn the magic mushrooms or magic truffle into a powder that stores in capsules? If so, the following tips can make the filling process easier to complete.
It isn’t easy to see the capsules once they’re inserted into the machine’s holes. Place them into each insert point. If you can’t see inside, a small flashlight can help you detect the ones that already have the bottoms loaded.
The taste of magic mushrooms and magic truffle isn’t always pleasant. This mechanism also tells your body what to expect when microdosing. If your experience with capsules doesn’t have the same potency, consider dusting the outside with a fine layer of powder.
You can add a slight dusting of the psilocybin powder to the glass storage jar if that is easier to do. 
Vegetarian capsules are the best to use. If you want to save a little money, beef-based products are cheaper and provide an almost similar result

How to Store Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffle

You spent all that time drying the magic mushrooms and magic truffle. If you leave the products in a humid environment, they’ll rehydrate.
When that happens, there is a risk of potency loss.
That’s why you need to store your products in an airtight container. Even if you’re waiting to start the drying process, a glass jar or vacuum-sealed container is helpful if the original packaging got breached
How Long Do Dried Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles Last?


The four killers of psilocybin potency are oxygen, moisture, light, and heat.
If you can limit those exposures, you can have the dried magic mushrooms and magic truffles last for quite some time.
Your fresh products have less time where the desired compound stays viable. If you keep magic mushrooms in a refrigerator following all storage protocols, they’ll last for approximately ten days.
That’s why investing in magic truffle makes more sense for those who prefer microdosing. 
You can keep Mini Mexicana magic truffle fresh for up to 30 days when placing them in a container with a paper towel to keep them dry. If you keep them in a vacuum-sealed bag, they can stay good for up to three months without concern. 
The same timeframes work for Galindoi magic truffles.
When you complete the drying process for magic truffle, the powder or capsules can stay usable for up to three years. To preserve this quality, you must keep them in a cool and dry environment away from light and oxygen
When you’re ready to explore the benefits of microdosing with magic mushrooms or magic truffles, Microdose Bros. has the products you need for a successful experience. You can stock up on fresh products, get an accurate scale, and explore other potential items to try.
Since magic truffle are legal in the Netherlands, we can ship throughout Europe. It is up to you to determine local regulations before placing an order.


Can you freeze magic mushrooms and truffles?

Once dry, place them in a plastic zip lock bag and put them in your freezer. Frozen mushrooms and truffles can be store pretty much . IMPORTANT: Never freeze fresh magic mushrooms and truffles. this will destroy their internal cell membrane structure, diminishing potency. So there you go!
How do you store mushrooms and truffles?
Storing fresh mushrooms and truffles is straight forward. Both can be store loose in a dark, cool place, such as your fridge, for up to a month. The temperature that will need is between 2-4 degrees Celsius. It is also best to place mushrooms and truffles on unbleached kitchen to grow magic truffles
How long do frozen mushrooms last in the freezer?
Most frozen produce is best used within six months,
. But I have found older bags of mushrooms in my freezer ( about a year old) and they were still fine! What’s your favorite ingredient to freeze?
How long do truffles last in the fridge?
A fridge is an moist place, and excess moisture can cause damage. By placing them on kitchen paper, most of this risk is avoide. If a month is not long enough, then you can consider buying a food vacuum packer. Once vacuum packed, and stored in a fridge, truffles will last for up to 3 months.

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